Sunday, January 31, 2010

the different of devil and human

as we know. human usually are away from god. some say they got lost in the way in life

this is the different betwen human and devil

devil oppose god while human are usually lost betwen both
devil hate god while human don't even know the power of god
devil live for a long time while human die
devil can be anyplace, anytime and in any shape while human look the same and can be in one place at a time

devil is the one who's making order for the lost human to follow

who do you think you are? the devil. or just another normal human being?
which path do you choose. the dark one. or the light.
do you oppose god, do you trust or you dont even know which
do you choose hell or heaven.


and answer it on your own. find it in you. you maybe still in between. or maybe lost or even u are the lead

the past, present, future, it's all in you.

i know my past and my present. but not my future. and im surely im still in between this all. im still searching. either im the one who oppose, the one who are lost. or the one who trust god.

don't just say u trust god cuz ur a muslim. do you pray 5 time a day? think about the bad you've done. the good u did. think properly before answering..

think bout what you do.

*ps- dont label me as an anti god or anything cuz i wrote this

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