as we know. human usually are away from god. some say they got lost in the way in life
this is the different betwen human and devil
devil oppose god while human are usually lost betwen both
devil hate god while human don't even know the power of god
devil live for a long time while human die
devil can be anyplace, anytime and in any shape while human look the same and can be in one place at a time
devil is the one who's making order for the lost human to follow
who do you think you are? the devil. or just another normal human being?
which path do you choose. the dark one. or the light.
do you oppose god, do you trust or you dont even know which
do you choose hell or heaven.
and answer it on your own. find it in you. you maybe still in between. or maybe lost or even u are the lead
the past, present, future, it's all in you.
i know my past and my present. but not my future. and im surely im still in between this all. im still searching. either im the one who oppose, the one who are lost. or the one who trust god.
don't just say u trust god cuz ur a muslim. do you pray 5 time a day? think about the bad you've done. the good u did. think properly before answering..
think bout what you do.
*ps- dont label me as an anti god or anything cuz i wrote this
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
laptop ku rosak
huhu aku dah tade laptop. nak on9 susah dah lepas ni.. suwey la.. wuuuu laptop.. jd aku akan away semenatara waktu.. hahaha tiu ne ah seng nye compaq
Sunday, January 17, 2010
welcome to my world
Welcome to my world
Where everyone I ever need always ends up leaving me alone.
Another lesson burned
And I'm drowning in the ashes
Welcome to my world
I don't care what you think I'm not seeing a shrink.
I'm not doing this again.
I'm not another student or a mother to take your shit out on
So let's see what you got, let's see what you're not
And what ever else you pretend
You've defended my intentions long enough
Welcome to my world
Where everyone I ever need always ends up leaving me alone.
Another lesson burned
And I'm drowning in the ashes
Welcome to my world
So here I am again.
In the middle of the end.
And the choice I wish I made
I always make too late
Welcome to my world
Where everyone I ever need always ends up leaving me alone.
Another lesson burned
And I'm drowning in the ashes
Welcome to my world.
My world
My world (welcome to my world)
My world
My world (welcome to my world)
My world
Welcome baby.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
poem? rap? trap?
hey you. yeah you.
you dont know me
stop shitting me motherfucka
from hell to here
i been living forever
talking all those shit
hey fucka shut the fuck up
stop talking like you know me
here i am smoking my last shit of cigar
thinking and kept thinking you're shit
yeah im ed got a problem fucka?
shit beware muthafucka im gonna slam ur face to the ground
my theme song is "hatred"
my background is "hell"
im a psycho
i will haunt you
i will kill you
come shot me
i wont die now
take it to the lowest level
this is not the matrix fucka
this is life
you dont know me
stop shitting me motherfucka
from hell to here
i been living forever
talking all those shit
hey fucka shut the fuck up
stop talking like you know me
here i am smoking my last shit of cigar
thinking and kept thinking you're shit
yeah im ed got a problem fucka?
shit beware muthafucka im gonna slam ur face to the ground
my theme song is "hatred"
my background is "hell"
im a psycho
i will haunt you
i will kill you
come shot me
i wont die now
take it to the lowest level
this is not the matrix fucka
this is life
Friday, January 15, 2010
untuk kau?
tah utk sape tah tuh. ahakz. semua benda salah? lau dah ckp len jgn bwat len. mcm2. bpk tak larat aku nak tulis entry panjang2. bwat sakit mata je membaca. aku pon dah malas membaca entry aku ni.
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the darkness goes
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
The flowers and my love both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a new born baby it just happens ev'ry day
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see a red door, I must have it painted black
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black
No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
I could not foresee this thing happening to you
If I look hard enough into the settin' sun
My love will laugh with me before the mornin' comes
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the darkness goes
I wanna see it painted, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
Painted, painted black, painted, painted black
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the darkness goes
I see a line of cars and they're all painted black
The flowers and my love both never to come back
I see people turn their heads and quickly look away
Like a new born baby it just happens ev'ry day
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see a red door, I must have it painted black
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facin' up when your whole world is black
No more will my green sea go turn a deeper blue
I could not foresee this thing happening to you
If I look hard enough into the settin' sun
My love will laugh with me before the mornin' comes
I see a red door and I want it painted black
No colours anymore I want them to turn black
I see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head until the darkness goes
I wanna see it painted, painted black
Black as night, black as coal
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky
Painted, painted black, painted, painted black
Thursday, January 14, 2010
jeng jeng jeng
ahakz.. aku dah lama gak la tak masuk entry. haha. bapak tade entry dah nak tulis. aku dah abis blajar. skarang tgh cari keje tapi tak dpt2. tension je.. nak cari keje tetap pon susah.. duit semedang tade. mane nak cari. nak mkn pon susah.. geram je aku.. hidup sungguh menyiksakan je. ahakz.. owh2.. ritu aku dgn raja g photoshoot.. tempat kurang menarik la.. tp ni je aku dpt edit.. yg len aku malas hahahaha. aku bkn pro pon.. haish.. nak bercereka la kat sini plak. haha dah lama tak menulis ayat2 pelik
when im not around your never know my existense u dont even care
now you know my existense you make me do something
you wont feel what i feel
this is it this is my feeling
when you dont realise my existense you wont care what you do
you say you say it everyday
but when you know my existense your making it stop
i just cant understand it
this is it
making me stop
all those words i just keep quiet.
waiting it to comeback
with or without you
*ps-benda ni aku bosan tuh bwat ek
when im not around your never know my existense u dont even care
now you know my existense you make me do something
you wont feel what i feel
this is it this is my feeling
when you dont realise my existense you wont care what you do
you say you say it everyday
but when you know my existense your making it stop
i just cant understand it
this is it
making me stop
all those words i just keep quiet.
waiting it to comeback
with or without you
*ps-benda ni aku bosan tuh bwat ek

Friday, January 08, 2010
the bangsatipoh.blogspot
due to some people. they started the flame wars saying that ed and raja created that blog. but i assure you. we did not make that stupid blog. yes we do hate some people. so do you guys kan? mesti korang ade gak org korang benci. tp perlukah sampai camtu skali? sungguh terhina. umur aku dah tua. lgpon korang tuh muda ag. tak guna pon aku tulis semua tuh. padahal dak2 tuh tak byk pon yg aku kenal. anyway. ade beberapa yg aku kenal and berkawan dgn aku. dan lagi satu aku anti rawkstar. lagipon aku dah ade 2 blog nak jaga. n kenapa perlu aku membazir masa utk menulis blog yg bodoh seperti itu. untuk raja plak. die mane ade masa nak on9 guna komputer. die pon aku tgk slalu on9 guna phone.. jd jgn la menuduh melulu sbb org post bulletin mengatakan kami yang buat yah. kalau bg aku la nak bwat. aku bwat letak muka aku supaya org takkan syak itu aku. haha. tol tak? kenyataan kan? kalau korang bwat mesti nak kover kan? so conclusionya. pkirlah ape korang nak pkir. tp kenyataan kami tak buat. dan kepada sesiapa yg mengatakan kami buat itu. .sila lah minta maaf. dan bertanya dulu sebelum menuduh. dan jika ade yg ingin bergaduh tuh. sila la dtg ke rumah aku. sbb aku tak penah takut. dan aku tak bwat so tak perlu aku takut. haha. ape2hal nak contact myspace aku.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Do i got something to say?
tahlew.. semenjak dua menjak ni. aku dah jd blurr. tatau nak ckp pe. kali ni byk post aku kuar lirik lagu jew. sbb tuh je yg bleh bwat aku release. dalam lirik tuh la perasaan aku, ape yg aku pkir. kire itu lah pengganti ayat2 aku. aku dah takleh berkata2. terlalu byk nak dikata tp tak sanggup nak berkata. nanti pedas. haha. tetapi ape yg aku sedar. skarang hari2 dada aku sakit. kejap blah kanan. jap blah kiri. kadang2 dua2 belah. aku pon tatau nape. tak g cek pon.. tade pe pon sebenarnye. haha.
tahlew skarang ni aku nak ckp pasal something lak.
ape yg org bagi bukanlah ape yg kite nak. tuh fakta. kenyataannye pula. bila sesuatu tuh hilang. kite tercari-cari.
tol tak?
siyes.. aku pon camni. aku tercari-cari diri aku. aku tatau nape sejak mak aku meninggal aku tatau nape aku jd ape yg aku jadi skarang. aku rasa lau mak aku idup ag. sure2 aku semayang 5 kali sehari. tak pon atleast semayang la gak dalam seminggu tuh. skarang. aku tak semayang. tp conclusion die. kite sentiasa nakkan benda yg laen daripada ape yg kite dpt kan? itulah kenyataan. tp bile kite dah ilang sesuatu yg kite rasa cam takde ape2 pada awalnya. kite mula rasa kehilangan. ye aku tak perfect. aku tatau diri aku siapa sebetolnya. siapa yg ckp die tau diri die sendiri sepenuhnya. itu semua dusta. kau manusia. kau takkan tau diri kau sendiri sepenuhnya. kalau aku suruh kau tgk lubang ponggong ko bleh? taleh kan. kite dari semua segi aspek. takkan tau diri kita sendiri sepenuhnya. korang rase idup aku perfect? haha perfect la gak. tp ape yg korang tak nampak korang tatau. mcm korang. korang rasa idup korang tak perfect. kenapa? aku pon ade masalah cam korang. mungkin la korang kate biasa je org tade mak ni. salah. korang tatau ape2. haha hidup aku. aib aku takkan la aku nak cite kat org. aku juz cite pe yg aku rasa boleh dicerita. tade sape hidup sempurna. tp sesetengah org akan ckp. ed pe lagi yg ko tak ckp. semua ade. tuh la korang.. nampak ape yg ade. ape yg aku tak penah tunjuk korang tak penah tau. setiap org penderitaan die laen2 haha. ade yg boleh dicerita. ade yg tak.
byk gile karut marut aku ni.
dahla aku finish dgn lirik campuran aku jumpa ni je..
With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me if I calls her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?
There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?
So when you feel like shit you’ve got to keep on pushing
If you saw the world through my eyes
Then you wouldn’t feel so highrise
Just look at me, look at me now.
I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm a fake.
tahlew skarang ni aku nak ckp pasal something lak.
ape yg org bagi bukanlah ape yg kite nak. tuh fakta. kenyataannye pula. bila sesuatu tuh hilang. kite tercari-cari.
tol tak?
siyes.. aku pon camni. aku tercari-cari diri aku. aku tatau nape sejak mak aku meninggal aku tatau nape aku jd ape yg aku jadi skarang. aku rasa lau mak aku idup ag. sure2 aku semayang 5 kali sehari. tak pon atleast semayang la gak dalam seminggu tuh. skarang. aku tak semayang. tp conclusion die. kite sentiasa nakkan benda yg laen daripada ape yg kite dpt kan? itulah kenyataan. tp bile kite dah ilang sesuatu yg kite rasa cam takde ape2 pada awalnya. kite mula rasa kehilangan. ye aku tak perfect. aku tatau diri aku siapa sebetolnya. siapa yg ckp die tau diri die sendiri sepenuhnya. itu semua dusta. kau manusia. kau takkan tau diri kau sendiri sepenuhnya. kalau aku suruh kau tgk lubang ponggong ko bleh? taleh kan. kite dari semua segi aspek. takkan tau diri kita sendiri sepenuhnya. korang rase idup aku perfect? haha perfect la gak. tp ape yg korang tak nampak korang tatau. mcm korang. korang rasa idup korang tak perfect. kenapa? aku pon ade masalah cam korang. mungkin la korang kate biasa je org tade mak ni. salah. korang tatau ape2. haha hidup aku. aib aku takkan la aku nak cite kat org. aku juz cite pe yg aku rasa boleh dicerita. tade sape hidup sempurna. tp sesetengah org akan ckp. ed pe lagi yg ko tak ckp. semua ade. tuh la korang.. nampak ape yg ade. ape yg aku tak penah tunjuk korang tak penah tau. setiap org penderitaan die laen2 haha. ade yg boleh dicerita. ade yg tak.
byk gile karut marut aku ni.
dahla aku finish dgn lirik campuran aku jumpa ni je..
With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading
Would she hear me if I calls her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?
There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?
So when you feel like shit you’ve got to keep on pushing
If you saw the world through my eyes
Then you wouldn’t feel so highrise
Just look at me, look at me now.
I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm a fake.
Saturday, January 02, 2010
born of a broken man never a broken man
My fears hunt me down
Capturing my memories
The frontier of loss
They try to escape across the street where
***** stripped bare
And raped the spirit he was supposed to nurture
In the name of my
In the name of my
Born of a broken man
But not a broken man
Born of a broken man
Never a broken man
Like autumn leaves
His sense fell from him
An empty glass of himself
Shattered somewhere within
His thoughts like a hundred moths
Trapped in a lampshade
Somewhere within
Their wings banging and burning
On through endless nights
Forever awake he lies shaking and starving
Praying for someone to turn off the light
Born of a broken man
Never a broken man
Born of a broken man
But not a broken man
My fears hunt me down
Capturing my memories
The frontier of loss
They try to escape across the street where
***** stripped bare
And raped the spirit he was supposed to nurture
In the name of my
In the name of my
Born of a broken man
But not a broken man
Born of a broken man
Never a broken man
*ps-forget the *****. it was supposed to be jesus. but im not a christ. im a muslim. but it still the same life.
Capturing my memories
The frontier of loss
They try to escape across the street where
***** stripped bare
And raped the spirit he was supposed to nurture
In the name of my
In the name of my
Born of a broken man
But not a broken man
Born of a broken man
Never a broken man
Like autumn leaves
His sense fell from him
An empty glass of himself
Shattered somewhere within
His thoughts like a hundred moths
Trapped in a lampshade
Somewhere within
Their wings banging and burning
On through endless nights
Forever awake he lies shaking and starving
Praying for someone to turn off the light
Born of a broken man
Never a broken man
Born of a broken man
But not a broken man
My fears hunt me down
Capturing my memories
The frontier of loss
They try to escape across the street where
***** stripped bare
And raped the spirit he was supposed to nurture
In the name of my
In the name of my
Born of a broken man
But not a broken man
Born of a broken man
Never a broken man
*ps-forget the *****. it was supposed to be jesus. but im not a christ. im a muslim. but it still the same life.
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