1) What is your boyfriend/girlfriends name?
nurul afiqah!!!! hehe ilysm
2) What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
hitam ade kotak2 haha nak tgk ke?
3) What are you listening to right now?
4) Whats your favorite number?
5) What was the last thing you ate?
popiah goreng-tak sedap
6) When was the last time you smiled?
about 3 hours ago
7) How is the weather right now?
night yg panas
8) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
nurul afiqah!!
9) What is your worst habit?
11) Do you drink?
not anymore
12) Do you smoke?
cigarattes yes
13) When was the last time, if ever, blacked-out from drinking?
14) Hair color?
15) Eye Color?
dark brown
16) Do you wear contacts?
yes sbb rabun
17) Favorite Holiday?
18) Favorite Month?
19) Have you ever cried for no reason?
ade2 mase kecik2. mase umur 1-3 tahun mesti ade
20) What was the last movie you watched?
final destination
21) Favorite Day of the Year?
15.05(she knows why)
22) Are you too shy to ask someone out?
no. haha
23) Last advice you received?
jgn degil haha
24) What was the highlight of your weekend?
25) Chocolate or Vanilla?
26) What is the last text message you received?
my baby boo new- k.=sbb die nak tido dah haha
27) What is the last text message you sent?
ilysm 2 syg. muaxx nite. mimpi teddy tau
28) Who was the last person to call you?
my baby boo!!!
29) What books are you reading?
30) When was the last time you slept in someone else's bed?
tahlew.. hahaha
31) Favorite movie?
Max payne!
32) Favorite football team?
Bola sepak ke rugby? lau rugby tatau.. tp semua aku tgk best.. lau bola sepak tak best.
33) What were you doing before this?
assigment gile!
34. Any pets?
6 cats
36) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
haaa mane yg sedap tuh la yg aku makan
37) Dogs or cats?
38) Favorite flowers?
haha tak reti tgk2 bunga ni
39) When was the last time you got in trouble?
3 weeks ago. in college. fuck you ustaz!
41) Have you ever loved someone?
yes right now!
42) Who would you like to see right now?
43) Are you still friends with people from kindergarten ?
sum. tp dah byk ilang pon. im a black goat sejak kecik
44) Have you ever fired a gun?
nope.. but i wish i can!
45) Do you like to travel by plane?
tak penah ag.. sape nak bawak aku jalan2 naek kapal tebang!!
46) What website do you frequently visit?
47) If you could be with someone right now, who would it be?
her!!! leh date!!
48) How many pillows do you sleep with?
1 pillow 1 big teddy bear! haha
49) Are you missing someone?
yes every second of my life
50) Do you have a Tattoo?
51) Are there people on your myspace page that you would date or go on a date with?
yes! her